Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors
In the 1960s, Ferreira and
colleagues found that the venoms of pit vipers contain factors that intensify
vasodilator responses to bradykinin. These bradykinin-potentiating factors are
a family of peptides that inhibit kininase II, an enzyme that inactivates
bradykinin. Erdös and coworkers established that ACE and kininase II are the
same enzyme, which catalyzes both the synthesis of AngII and the destruction of
bradykinin. Based on these findings, the nonapeptide teprotide (snake venom
peptide that inhibits kininase II and ACE) was later synthesized and tested in
human subjects. It lowered blood pressure in many patients with essential
hypertension and exerted beneficial effects in patients with heart failure.
The orally effective ACE
inhibitor captopril was developed by a rational approach that
involved analysis of the inhibitory action of teprotide, inference about the
action of ACE on its substrates, and analogy with carboxypeptidase A, which was
known to be inhibited by D-benzylsuccinic acid. Ondetti, Cushman, and
colleagues argued that inhibition of ACE might be produced by succinyl amino
acids that corresponded in length to the dipeptide cleaved by ACE. This led to
the synthesis of a series of carboxy alkanoyl and mercapto alkanoyl derivatives
that are potent competitive inhibitors of ACE. Most active was captopril (Vane,
The effect of ACE inhibitors on the
RAS is to inhibit the conversion of AngI to the active AngII. Inhibition of
AngII production will lower blood pressure and enhance natriuresis. ACE is an
enzyme with many substrates, and inhibition of ACE may also induce effects
unrelated to reducing the levels of AngII. ACE inhibitors increase bradykinin
levels and bradykinin stimulates prostaglandin biosynthesis; both may
contribute to the pharmacological effects of ACE inhibitors. ACE inhibitors
increase by 5-fold the circulating levels of the natural stem cell regulator N-acetyl-seryl-aspartyl-lysyl-proline,
which may contribute to the cardioprotective effects of ACE inhibitors (Rhaleb
et al., 2001). In addition, ACE inhibitors will increase renin release and the
rate of formation of AngI by interfering with both short- and long-loop
negative feedbacks on renin release (Figure 26–2A). Accumulating AngI is
directed down alternative metabolic routes, resulting in the increased
production of vasodilator peptides such as Ang(1–7). In healthy, Na+-replete
animals and humans, a single oral dose of an ACE inhibitor has little effect on
systemic blood pressure, but repeated doses over several days cause a small
reduction in blood pressure. By contrast, even a single dose of these
inhibitors lowers blood pressure substantially in normal subjects depleted of Na+
(Figure 26-7).
ACE inhibitors can be classified into
three broad groups based on chemical structure: (1) sulfhydryl-containing ACE
inhibitors structurally related to captopril; (2) dicarboxyl-containing ACE
inhibitors structurally related to enalapril (e.g., lisinopril, benazepril,
quinapril, moexipril, ramipril, trandolapril, perindopril); and (3)
phosphorus-containing ACE inhibitors structurally related to fosinopril. Many
ACE inhibitors are ester-containing prodrugs that are 100- 1000 times less
potent but have a better oral bioavailability than the active molecules.
Currently, 11 ACE inhibitors are available for clinical use in the U.S. (Figure
26–9). They differ with regard to potency, whether ACE inhibition is primarily
a direct effect of the drug itself or the effect of an active metabolite, and
With the exceptions of fosinopril and spirapril (which
display balanced elimination by the liver and kidneys), ACE inhibitors are
cleared predominantly by the kidneys. Impaired renal function significantly
diminishes the plasma clearance of most ACE inhibitors, and dosages of these
drugs should be reduced in patients with renal impairment. Elevated plasma
renin activity renders patients hyperresponsive to ACE inhibitor–induced
hypotension, and initial dosages of all ACE inhibitors should be reduced in
patients with high plasma levels of renin (e.g., patients with heart failure
and salt-depleted patients).
All ACE inhibitors block
the conversion of AngI to AngII and have similar therapeutic indications,
adverse-effect profiles, and contraindications. Although captopril and
enalapril are indistinguishable with regard to antihypertensive efficacy and
safety, the Quality-of-Life Hypertension Study Group reported that captopril may
have a more favorable effect on quality of life (Testa et al., 1993). Because
hypertension usually requires lifelong treatment, quality-of-life issues are an
important consideration in comparing antihypertensive drugs. ACE inhibitors
differ markedly in tissue distribution, and it is possible that this difference
could be exploited to inhibit some local (tissue) RAS while leaving others
relatively intact.
(CAPOTEN, others).
Captopril, the first ACE inhibitor to be marketed, is a potent ACE inhibitor
with a Ki of 1.7 nM. It is the only ACE inhibitor approved
for use in the U.S. that contains a sulfhydryl moiety. Given orally, captopril
is absorbed rapidly and has a bioavailability ~75%. Bioavailability is reduced
by 25-30% with food, so captopril should be given 1 hour before meals. Peak
concentrations in plasma occur within an hour, and the drug is cleared rapidly
with a t1/2 ~2 hours. Most of the drug is eliminated in urine,
40-50% as captopril and the rest as captopril disulfide dimers and captopril–cysteine
disulfide. The oral dose of captopril ranges from 6.25-150 mg two to three
times daily, with 6.25 mg three times daily or 25 mg twice daily being
appropriate for the initiation of therapy for heart failure or hypertension,
respectively. Most patients should not receive daily doses in excess of 150 mg,
although the maximum labeled dose for heart failure is 450 mg/day.
(VASOTEC, others).
Enalapril maleate is a prodrug that is hydrolyzed by esterases in the liver to
produce the active dicarboxylic acid, enalaprilat. Enalaprilat is a highly
potent inhibitor of ACE with a Ki of 0.2 nM. Although it also
contains a "proline surrogate," enalaprilat differs from captopril in
that it is an analog of a tripeptide rather than of a dipeptide. Enalapril is
absorbed rapidly when given orally and has an oral bioavailability of ~60% (not
reduced by food). Although peak concentrations of enalapril in plasma occur
within an hour, enalaprilat concentrations peak only after 3-4 hours. Enalapril
has a t1/2 ~1.3 hours, but enalaprilat, because of tight binding to
ACE, has a plasma t1/2 of ~11 hours. Nearly all the drug is
eliminated by the kidneys as either intact enalapril or enalaprilat. The oral
dosage of enalapril ranges from 2.5-40 mg daily (single or divided dose), with
2.5 and 5 mg daily being appropriate for the initiation of therapy for heart
failure and hypertension, respectively.
others). Enalaprilat is not absorbed orally but is available for intravenous
administration when oral therapy is not appropriate. For hypertensive patients,
the dosage is 0.625-1.25 mg given intravenously over 5 minutes. This dosage may
be repeated every 6 hours.
ACE Inhibitors in Hypertension
Inhibition of ACE lowers systemic
vascular resistance and mean, diastolic, and systolic blood pressures in
various hypertensive states except when high blood pressure is due to primary
aldosteronism (see Chapter 27). The initial change in blood pressure tends to
be positively correlated with plasma renin activity (PRA) and AngII plasma
levels prior to treatment. Some patients may show a sizable reduction in blood
pressure that correlates poorly with pretreatment values of PRA. It is possible
that increased local (tissue) production of AngII or increased responsiveness
of tissues to normal levels of AngII makes some hypertensive patients sensitive
to ACE inhibitors despite normal PRA.
The long-term fall in systemic blood
pressure observed in hypertensive individuals treated with ACE inhibitors is
accompanied by a leftward shift in the renal pressure–natriuresis curve (Figure
26–7) and a reduction in total peripheral resistance in which there is variable
participation by different vascular beds. The kidney is a notable exception:
because the renal vessels are extremely sensitive to the vasoconstrictor
actions of AngII, ACE inhibitors increase renal blood flow via vasodilation of
the afferent and efferent arterioles. Increased renal blood flow occurs without
an increase in GFR; thus, the filtration fraction is reduced.
ACE inhibitors cause systemic
arteriolar dilation and increase the compliance of large arteries, which
contributes to a reduction of systolic pressure. Cardiac function in patients
with uncomplicated hypertension generally is little changed, although stroke
volume and cardiac output may increase slightly with sustained treatment.
Baroreceptor function and cardiovascular reflexes are not compromised, and
responses to postural changes and exercise are little impaired. Even when a
substantial lowering of blood pressure is achieved, heart rate and
concentrations of catecholamines in plasma generally increase only slightly, if
at all. This perhaps reflects an alteration of baroreceptor function with
increased arterial compliance and the loss of the normal tonic influence of
AngII on the sympathetic nervous system.
Aldosterone secretion is reduced, but
not seriously impaired, by ACE inhibitors. Aldosterone secretion is maintained
at adequate levels by other steroidogenic stimuli, such as ACTH and K+.
The activity of these secretogogues on the zona glomerulosa of the adrenal
cortex requires very small trophic or permissive amounts of AngII, which always
are present because ACE inhibition never is complete. Excessive retention of K+
is encountered in patients taking supplemental K+, in patients with
renal impairment, or in patients taking other medications that reduce K+
ACE inhibitors alone normalize blood
pressure in ~50% of patients with mild to moderate hypertension. Ninety percent
of patients with mild to moderate hypertension will be controlled by the
combination of an ACE inhibitor and either a Ca2+ channel blocker, a
adrenergic receptor blocker, or a diuretic.
Diuretics augment the antihypertensive response to ACE inhibitors by rendering
the patient's blood pressure renin dependent. Several ACE inhibitors are
marketed in fixed-dose combinations with a thiazide diuretic or Ca2+
channel blocker for the management of hypertension

Adverse Effects of ACE Inhibitors
In general, ACE inhibitors are well
tolerated. Metabolic side effects are rare during long-term therapy with ACE
inhibitors. The drugs do not alter plasma concentrations of uric acid or Ca2+
and may improve insulin sensitivity in patients with insulin resistance and
decrease cholesterol and lipoprotein (a) levels in proteinuric renal disease.
A steep fall in blood
pressure may occur following the first dose of an ACE inhibitor in patients
with elevated PRA. Care should be exercised in patients who are salt depleted,
are on multiple antihypertensive drugs, or who have congestive heart failure.
In 5-20% of patients, ACE
inhibitors induce a bothersome, dry cough mediated by the accumulation in the
lungs of bradykinin, substance P, and/or prostaglandins. Thromboxane
antagonism, aspirin, and iron supplementation reduce cough induced by ACE
inhibitors. ACE dose reduction or switching to an ARB is sometimes effective.
Once ACE inhibitors are stopped, the cough disappears, usually within 4 days.
Significant K+
retention is rarely encountered in patients with normal renal function.
However, ACE inhibitors may cause hyperkalemia in patients with renal
insufficiency or diabetes or in patients taking K+-sparing
diuretics, K+ supplements,
receptor blockers, or NSAIDs.

AngII, by constricting the
efferent arteriole, helps to maintain adequate glomerular filtration when renal
perfusion pressure is low. Inhibition of ACE can induce acute renal
insufficiency in patients with bilateral renal artery stenosis, stenosis of the
artery to a single remaining kidney, heart failure, or volume depletion owing
to diarrhea or diuretics.
The fetopathic effects may
be due in part to fetal hypotension. Once pregnancy is diagnosed, it is
imperative that ACE inhibitors be discontinued as soon as possible.
ACE inhibitors occasionally
cause a maculopapular rash that may itch, but that may resolve spontaneously or
with antihistamines. Although initially attributed to the presence of the
sulfhydryl group in captopril, a rash also may occur with other ACE inhibitors,
albeit less frequently.
In 0.1-0.5% of patients,
ACE inhibitors induce a rapid swelling in the nose, throat, mouth, glottis,
larynx, lips, and/or tongue. Once ACE inhibitors are stopped, angioedema
disappears within hours; meanwhile, the patient's airway should be protected,
and if necessary, epinephrine, an antihistamine, and/or a glucocorticoid should
be administered. African-Americans have a 4.5 times greater risk of ACE
inhibitor–induced angioedema than Caucasians (Brown et al., 1996). Although
rare, angioedema of the intestine (visceral angioedema) characterized by
emesis, watery diarrhea, and abdominal pain also has been reported.
Extremely rare but
reversible side effects include dysgeusia (an alteration in or loss of
taste), neutropenia (symptoms include sore throat and fever), glycosuria
(spillage of glucose into the urine in the absence of hyperglycemia), and hepatotoxicity.
Antacids may reduce the
bioavailability of ACE inhibitors; capsaicin may worsen ACE inhibitor–induced
cough; NSAIDs, including aspirin, may reduce the antihypertensive response to
ACE inhibitors; and K+-sparing diuretics and K+
supplements may exacerbate ACE inhibitor–induced hyperkalemia. ACE inhibitors
may increase plasma levels of digoxin and lithium and may increase
hypersensitivity reactions to allopurinol.
Non-Peptide Angiotensin II Receptor Antagonists
Attempts to develop
therapeutically useful AngII receptor antagonists date to the early 1970s, and
these initial endeavors concentrated on angiotensin peptide analog. Saralasin,
1-sarcosine, 8-isoleucine AngII, and other 8-substituted angiotensins were
potent AngII receptor antagonists but were of no clinical value because of lack
of oral bioavailability and unacceptable partial agonist activity.
A breakthrough came in the
early 1980s with the synthesis and testing of a series of imidazole-5-acetic
acid derivatives that attenuated pressor responses to AngII in rats. Two
compounds, S-8307 and S-8308, were found to be highly specific, albeit very
weak, non-peptide AngII receptor antagonists that were devoid of partial
agonist activity. Through a series of stepwise modifications, the orally
active, potent, and selective non-peptide AT1 receptor antagonist
losartan was developed (Timmermans et al., 1993) and approved for clinical use
in the U.S. in 1995. Since then, six additional AT1 receptor
antagonists (Figure 26–10) have been approved. Although these AT1
receptor antagonists are devoid of partial agonist activity, structural
modifications as minor as a methyl group can transform a potent antagonist into
an agonist (Perlman et al., 1997).
The AngII receptor blockers bind to the AT1
receptor with high affinity and are more than 10,000-fold selective for the AT1
receptor over the AT2 receptor. The rank-order affinity of the AT1
receptor for ARBs is candesartan = olmesartan > irbesartan =
eprosartan > telmisartan = valsartan = EXP 3174 (the active
metabolite of losartan) > losartan. Although binding of ARBs to the AT1
receptor is competitive, the inhibition by ARBs of biological responses to
AngII often is insurmountable (the maximal response to AngII cannot be restored
in the presence of the ARB regardless of the concentration of AngII added to
the experimental preparation).
The mechanism of insurmountable antagonism by ARBs may be
due to slow dissociation kinetics of the compounds from the AT1
receptor; however, a number of other factors may contribute, such as
ARB-induced receptor internalization and alternative binding sites for ARBs on
the AT1 receptor (McConnaughey et al., 1999). Insurmountable
antagonism has the theoretical advantage of sustained receptor blockade even
with increased levels of endogenous ligand and with missed doses of drug. Whether
this advantage translates into an enhanced clinical performance remains to be
ARBs potently and selectively inhibit most of the
biological effects of AngII (Timmermans et al., 1993; Csajka et al., 1997),
including AngII–induced (1) contraction of vascular smooth muscle, (2) rapid
pressor responses, (3) slow pressor responses, (4) thirst, (5) vasopressin
release, (6) aldosterone secretion, (7) release of adrenal catecholamines, (8)
enhancement of noradrenergic neurotransmission, (9) increases in sympathetic
tone, (10) changes in renal function, and (11) cellular hypertrophy and
hyperplasia. ARBs reduce arterial blood pressure in animals with renovascular
and genetic hypertension, as well as in transgenic animals overexpressing the
renin gene. ARBs, however, have little effect on arterial blood pressure in
animals with low-renin hypertension (e.g., rats with hypertension induced by
NaCl and deoxycorticosterone).
Do ARBs have therapeutic efficacy equivalent to that of
ACE inhibitors? Although both classes of drugs block the RAS, they differ in
several important aspects:
- ARBs reduce activation of AT1 receptors more effectively than do ACE inhibitors. ACE inhibitors reduce the biosynthesis of AngII by the action of ACE, but do not inhibit alternative non-ACE AngII-generating pathways. ARBs block the actions of AngII via the AT1 receptor regardless of the biochemical pathway leading to AngII formation.
- In contrast to ACE inhibitors, ARBs permit activation of AT2 receptors. ACE inhibitors increase renin release, but block the conversion of AngI to AngII. ARBs also stimulate renin release; however, with ARBs, this translates into a several-fold increase in circulating levels of AngII. Because ARBs block AT1 receptors, this increased level of AngII is available to activate AT2 receptors.
- ACE inhibitors may increase Ang(1–7) levels more than do ARBs. ACE is involved in the clearance of Ang(1–7), so inhibition of ACE may increase Ang(1–7) levels more so than do ARBs.
- ACE inhibitors increase the levels of a number of ACE substrates, including bradykinin and Ac-SDKP.
Whether the pharmacological differences between ARBs and
ACE inhibitors result in significant differences in therapeutic outcomes is an
open question.
Oral bioavailability of ARBs generally is low (<50%,
except for irbesartan, with 70% available), and protein binding is high
Losartan (Cozaar)
Approximately 14% of an
oral dose of losartan is converted to the 5-carboxylic acid metabolite EXP
3174, which is more potent than losartan as an AT1 receptor
antagonist. The metabolism of losartan to EXP 3174 and to inactive metabolites
is mediated by CYP2C9 and CYP3A4. Peak plasma levels of losartan and EXP 3174
occur ~1-3 hours after oral administration, respectively, and the plasma
half-lives are 2.5 and 6-9 hours, respectively. The plasma clearances of
losartan and EXP 3174 are due to renal clearance and hepatic clearance
(metabolism and biliary excretion). The plasma clearance of losartan and EXP
3174 is affected by hepatic but not renal insufficiency. Losartan should be
administered orally once or twice daily for a total daily dose of 25-100 mg. In
addition to being an ARB, losartan is a competitive antagonist of the
thromboxane A2 receptor and attenuates platelet aggregation (Levy et
al., 2000). Also, EXP 3179, a metabolite of losartan without angiotensin
receptor effects, reduces COX-2 mRNA upregulation and COX-dependent
prostaglandin generation (Krämer et al., 2002).
Therapeutic Uses of AngII Receptor Antagonists
All ARBs are approved for the
treatment of hypertension. In addition, irbesartan and losartan are approved
for diabetic nephropathy, losartan is approved for stroke prophylaxis, and
valsartan is approved for heart failure and to reduce cardiovascular mortality in
clinically stable patients with left ventricular failure or left ventricular
dysfunction following myocardial infarction. The efficacy of ARBs in lowering
blood pressure is comparable with that of ACE inhibitors and other established
antihypertensive drugs, with a favorable adverse-effect profile. ARBs also are
available as fixed-dose combinations with hydrochlorothiazide or amlodipine
(Chapters 27 and 28).
Losartan is well tolerated
in patients with heart failure and is comparable to enalapril with regard to
improving exercise tolerance (Lang et al., 1997). The Evaluation of Losartan in
the Elderly (ELITE) study reported that in elderly patients with heart failure,
losartan was as effective as captopril in improving symptoms and better in
reducing mortality (Pitt et al., 1997). However, the greater reduction in
mortality by losartan was not confirmed in the larger Losartan Heart Failure
Survival Study (ELITE II) trial (Pitt et al., 2000). The Valsartan in Acute
Myocardial Infarction (VALIANT) trial demonstrated that valsartan is as
effective as captopril in patients with myocardial infarction complicated by
left ventricular systolic dysfunction with regard to all-cause-mortality
(Pfeffer et al., 2003). Both valsartan and candesartan reduce mortality and morbidity
in heart failure patients (Maggioni et al., 2002; Granger et al., 2003).
Current recommendations are to use ACE inhibitors as first-line agents for the
treatment of heart failure and to reserve ARBs for treatment of heart failure
in patients who cannot tolerate or have an unsatisfactory response to ACE
At present, there is
conflicting evidence regarding the advisability of combining an ARB and an ACE
inhibitor in heart failure patients. The Candesartan in Heart Failure
Assessment of Reduction in Mortality (CHARM-additive) and the Valsartan in
Heart Failure (ValHeFt) studies indicate that a combination of ARB and ACE
inhibitors decrease morbidity and mortality in patients with heart failure
(McMurray et al., 2003; Cohn and Tognoni, 2001). In contrast, the VALIANT and
ONTARGET (Ongoing Telmisartan Alone and in Combination with Ramipril Global
Endpoint) findings show no added benefits with combination therapy, which was
associated with more adverse effects (Pfeffer et al., 2003; ONTARGET Investigators,
ARBs are renoprotective in
type 2 diabetes mellitus, in part via blood pressure–independent mechanisms
(Viberti et al., 2002). Based on these results, many experts now consider them
the drugs of choice for renoprotection in diabetic patients. The Losartan
Intervention For Endpoint (LIFE) Reduction in Hypertension Study demonstrated
the superiority of an ARB compared with a
1 adrenergic receptor antagonist
with regard to reducing stroke in hypertensive patients with left ventricular
hypertrophy (Dahlöf et al., 2002). Also, irebesartan appears to maintain sinus
rhythm in patients with persistent, long-standing atrial fibrillation (Madrid
et al., 2002). Losartan is reported to be safe and highly effective in the
treatment of portal hypertension in patients with cirrhosis and portal
hypertension (Schneider et al., 1999) without compromising renal function.

ARBs are generally well
tolerated. The incidence of angioedema and cough with ARBs is less than that
with ACE inhibitors. As with ACE inhibitors, ARBs have teratogenic potential
and should be discontinued in pregnancy. In patients whose arterial blood
pressure or renal function is highly dependent on the RAS (e.g., renal artery
stenosis), ARBs can cause hypotension, oliguria, progressive azotemia, or acute
renal failure. ARBs may cause hyperkalemia in patients with renal disease or in
patients taking K+ supplements or K+-sparing diuretics.
ARBs enhance the blood pressure–lowering effect of other antihypertensive
drugs, a desirable effect but one that may necessitate dosage adjustment. There
are rare postmarketing reports of anaphylaxis, abnormal hepatic function,
hepatitis, neutropenia, leukopenia, agranulocytosis, pruritus, urticaria,
hyponatremia, alopecia, and vasculitis, including Henoch-Schönlein purpura.
Dear Indika,
ReplyDeleteGood job. keep it up with good works.